Work With Me

Interested in advertising or sponsoring on XOXO BROSIA? Maybe you'd like to do a giveaway? Or just collaborate in some way? I'd love to work with you! I am currently taking sponsors from brands or companies of any size. 

Shoot me an email at and I'd be happy to send details on pricing and placements, looking forward to hearing from you! 

Sponsorships & Advertising
Sponsorships consist of ads generated by a third party ad network or sponsored banner advertisements provided by official sponsors. Sponsors will be closely evaluated before approval. To become a sponsor, there must be a fit with the interests of XOXO-BROSIA and readers. The target audience is fashion forward women, and natural hair.  If you have any questions, please let me know.

For information on Press, Booking/Appearances, Contact:

Privacy Policy:
Your privacy is my priority. Email addresses and names submitted to me in any way will never be sold, rented, or added to any mailing lists without your consent. 
I do not share personal information with third-parties and will never store information collected about your visit to XOXO-BROSIA

1 comment :

  1. realy do love your blog...very cool and articulate, i happen to come across this very lovely designs(which happens to bemine tho) on facebook, i need you to help check it out and give me your expert opinion
    looking forward to working with you


Thank you for commenting! -xoxo, Brosia